Scholastic CPD Training and Workshops | Catch-up Phonics

Closing the gap – Catch-up Phonics with Joy Allcock

Join our free one hour CPD workshop with Joy Allcock on 3rd November at 3.45pm to find out how you can deliver effective catch-up phonics instruction to pupils in Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3.
This session will cover how to identify and address any gaps in your pupils’ knowledge of the alphabetic code of English. It will demonstrate that by demystifying the way written English works, you can make it accessible to all your students and improve their decoding, spelling, reading comprehension and writing skills.
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I have known Joy Allcock for some decades as the ‘Queen’ of teaching the skills of reading and spelling. Professor John Hattie

For more than 20 years, author and educator Joy Allcock, M.Ed., has developed resources that build a bridge between research and practice, ensuring that teachers have access to research-driven methods that really work.

Joy has dedicated her career to finding simple ways to teach the complex code and structure of written English. She has also led a number of research projects (most recently the Shine Literacy Project), which together have shown remarkable results for learners of all ages and backgrounds.

Books and resources by Joy Allcock

Catch Up Your Code Resource Book placeholder

Catch Up Your Code

The Catch Up Your Code programme centres around 46 fast-paced lessons that can provide instruction for all the sounds of English or just the sounds that are least well known.

The comprehensive Teacher’s Resource Book includes detailed notes and strategies on addressing gaps in phonological awareness and for transferring code knowledge to writing and reading.

The linked Student Practice Books, Desktop Cards and Wall Chart help to consolidate pupils’ understanding.

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