Theresa Tibbetts
Books by Theresa Tibbetts
100 Literacy Homework Activities (New Edition): Year 1
Read & Respond Interactive: Handa's Surprise
Read & Respond: Dear Greenpeace
100 Maths Assessment Lessons: Year 3
Multimodal Texts: Year 2
Star Maths Starters: Year 2
Star Maths Starters: Year 3
Star Maths Starters: Year 4
Star Maths Starters: Year 5
Star Maths Starters: Year 6
Star Maths Starters: Year 1
100 SMART Board Lessons: Reception
Series by Theresa Tibbetts
Read & Respond
Read & Respond provides you with everything you need to share the best-loved children’s books with your class.
100 Activprimary Whiteboard Lessons
Essential for all Promethean whiteboards – engaging interactive lessons for all primary subjects. The Flipcharts include prepared text, pictures, Flash activities and website links. Perfect for all levels of experience
Read & Respond Interactive
A wealth of digital resources to enhance and extend your work on the best-loved children’s books.
100 Maths Assessment Lessons
All the tools you need to help get ready for Assessing Pupils Progress – and linked to the Renewed Maths Framework!
100 Literacy Homework Activities (New Edition)
A complete homework programme for the Renewed Literacy Framework that will fit in with any literacy scheme.
Multimodal Texts
Age-appropriate, mixed media texts for on-screen literacy lessons which support the renewed framework.
Star Maths Starters
Change your approach to mental maths starters in line with the six ‘Rs’ of the Renewed Framework.
100 SMART Board Lessons
100 SMARTBoard Whiteboard Lessons provides you with a bank of ready-made lesson plans covering all subjects.
100 Literacy Framework Lessons
Best-selling resources to support you with the Renewed Literacy Framework with interactive activities on CD-ROM for your interactive whiteboard.