

Enhance literacy while you nurture curiosity. This KS1 non-fiction series introduces popular science topics using visually stunning photographic books which are ideal for guided and independent reading. The fully book-banded series is divided into themed strands of six books, each of which consists of an overview book plus five companion titles. Combining easy-read text with dramatic visuals and attention-grabbing facts, Investigate makes a perfect introduction to non-fiction for readers who are growing in confidence.

  • Fully book-banded series filled with vivid photography
  • Covers exciting science themes with cross-curricular links
  • Perfect for guided reading or child-led extended study
  • Stunning images draw children in and spark young imaginations
  • Develops scientific knowledge, literacy and comprehension skills
  • Introduces key features and conventions of non-fiction texts
  • Flexible dip-in titles with no allotted reading order
  • Supports the transition from guided reading to confident solo reading

Some series strands include CD-ROMs of the overview books, which contain an onscreen version of the book for whiteboard use, as well as additional video clips, games and more.

  • Free correlation to the 2014 Curriculum with every copy purchased.

“I was really impressed with these books and cannot stress enough how exciting children will find them! The books are full of highlighted facts and questions to challenge children’s knowledge.” Sarah Gorman, Primary teacher

Series structure


The series is a great introduction to guided reading. Packed with luscious photographs, children will be fascinated to find out more about these beautifully illustrated animals.

  • The series has a simple structure. Each strand has an overview book, with accompanying CD ROM, which teachers can use for guided reading. The overview books in each strand contain the key vocabulary and concepts for the whole strand. Once children are secure with the concepts, they can go on to use the remaining five books as independent readers.
  • CD ROMs follow the structure of the overview books, but are packed with extra features – games, animal videos and audio to get less confident readers started.
Let’s take a look:
  1. Choose the relevant strand for your class.
  2. Download the teachers’ notes for that strand, and pick the relevant notes for the book you have chosen.
  3. Use the CD-ROM for whole-class work, with children taking charge of the navigation.
  4. Support this work with the relevant overview book to get children interested in the concepts of LIfe cycles, Animal defences or Predators.
  5. The rest of the readers are all at the same level, so children can choose which books they are most interested in. Do they want to know more about Penguins, Octopus, Elephants, Deer or Otters?

Investigate CD-ROMs (Life cycles, Animal defences and Predators)

The CD ROM is NOT an ebook. It is much more than this. It is engaging and interactive and enables children to drill down even further, to learn about animals that haven’t been mentioned in the books, to test their understanding of the concepts, by playing matching games, or checking out information in a table. The CD brings the animals to life. Lions roar, and chase their supper. Birds swoop onto the interactive whiteboard. The activities provided on the CD-ROM are ideal for teaching literacy skills regularly and systematically. Above all, it is a fun way to learn.

Case study

Find out why teachers that have used the Investigate series in the classroom think it’s ideal!

Investigate is a new KS1 cross-curricular non-fiction reading series. Ideal for guided and independent reading sessions, with a CD ROM to extend children’s knowledge and help them succeed in reading. Based around science themes, the dramatic photos engage children to research the topics outside the classroom.

Find out why teachers who have used the Investigate series in the classroom think it’s ideal!

Learn more about the series.

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